Bethsaida 2008 Season. Session Two
Session Two of the Bethsaida 2008 Season closed with great success. Excavations were carried out in Area A (IA II) and Area C (Hellenistic-Roman). In addition to uncovering architecture at both levels, finds included a figurine, assorted coins, and a number of domestic items like loom weights and bone awls. I was pleased to have an incredibly productive and collegial (read "fun-loving") group of participants this year.
Special mention is due to a couple of experienced graduate student volunteers who learned the ropes and served as assistant supervisors in performing daily duties of recording, mapping, taking elevations, etc., namely, Ms Alexandra Untu, M.A., from the Faculty of Letters at the University of Bucharest (5th from right), and Mr. Richard Newton, of the Perkins School of Theology at SMU (far right). I am also greatly indebted to my daughter, Aurelia Roddy, 16 (10th from right), who during this, her third consecutive year digging at Bethsaida, assumed a leadership role in tending to the affairs of student volunteers, thereby reducing my usual workload significantly!
I will be on sabbatical next year, so while I will probably will spend some time in the Middle East in connection with the Virtual World Project (, I will not be organizing a group for Bethsaida. But start making plans now to join me at Bethsaida in 2010!
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